Wednesday, September 30, 2009

2nd video of my 2nd fight. i like this video more because you can hear the sound of those punches. =) yet again its a messy fight. too eager for the KO. lol. ill train harder and fight better this coming december, hope i get to fight.

recently got alot of comments after fighting. even after the first fight. so ill talk about it together. alot of people gave comments, close friends and hi bye friends and whatever bla bla bla. some gave good comments. like good fight bla bla bla. and some comments which are "mend" to be good. for example " wa why he so lousy one (opponent) ", "wa why he stand there give you whack?" , "wa why your opponent look so small ( there is a weigh in before that showing that we are from the same weight category)", so on and so forth. why i would say this is, in the ring you face different kind of opponents, different kinds of fighting techniques. for me and the opponent, standing in the ring is what i would say a very very brave thing to do. do you know how long we train and how hard we train to be able to stand there and fight? its not easy, i repeat, it is not easy. Those who stand in the ring are already winners.

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