Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Academics in life

From young, i have not been very interested in studying.. mainly due to the fact that teachers have always disliked me. Have been able to skim through sec school days without putting in much effort without realising how important the results are going to affect my life. It was plain play first and study later.

Had to continue on to waste another year at private o levels, and later on doing higher nitec in logistics and simei ite for another 2 years. Still, the youth in the brain always stopped me for putting in effort into schoolwork. Passing is all i wanted, nothing else.

Taken my diploma of logistics management at the age of 23, old but not too late.. Getting good results for all 6 modules, 3 B's and 3 A's.. the results from putting in effort.

This is my prove.. to people who look down on me, in the past and present. Many of those who have not taken me seriously or may judged or still judge me differently just because i have tattoos all over my body. Those who still thinks i am that hooligan which i used to be when i were young.

I have kind of achieve a little here and i have a proud family, a happy mum and happy brothers. I have a ever supportive and loving girlfriend who is there for me no matter what, i have friends that celebrates my achievements.

So for all the fuckers out there, im going to be so much more than you people in life. ..|.. ... :)

Degree is next..

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