Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Went for lunch at east coast. wanted to eat kenny rogers but ended up at macdonalds. but we had a great time =)

brought baby to the korean restaurant (Full House) at Tanjong Katong as promised.

Look at the hungry girl taking huge consideration on food variations available.

And took some pictures before the food arrive.

The bean curb soup my girlfriend ordered. looks yummy doesn't it. i will rate it 8.5/10. ITS REALLY FULL OF TOFU.

Cheesy ramen as what i ordered. i would rate it 9/10 and 9.5/10 for cheese lovers. look at the pictures! CHEESY!!


sunday was GI JOE with the crew. 8/10 if i rate it. very actioned packed. went to best in the east after and headed home.


went to visit Wen at the monastery with my girl and her friends. i really feel bad for the people related to her. friends, sisters, family. especially my girl, she always talks about her. went for a meal at kfc after and headed home.

P.S : drivers, come on. FUCK! think with your brain, or at least stop thinking with your balls if you dont have a brain. you can fucking endanger your own life which it may be worthless. but think of the people who will get involved when you drive recklessly. singapore roads are built for civilian driving purposes. let me repeat that it is singapore roads, not a racing track. slowing down for a bit, will it die? following from a safer distance, does it bites you? driving safely, do you feel pain in the balls? NO! fuck you all so drive SAFELY.

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