Tuesday, April 22, 2008

hey hey~ =)
hi everbody, being up to the regular lifestyle. luckily i have my lovely to walk through it with me. i want to thank her for everything, thinking of ways to save money and stuffs like that. love you baby. all the best in your studies and job. =)
anyway, i wonder why somtimes people talk about shit that doesn't happen. for example, "i bought and ate 5 big macs that time le" but in fact he can't even finish 2 big macs.
another type, A tells B secret. and B listens, later on telling C D E F G and tell them. " eh steady, i tell you all you all don't say out. " zzz wake up the idea.
another type, quiet yet born with a poisonous mouth. usually quiet but only shit come out from the mouth when he opens it.
alot more, lazy to elaborate.
now people, think about it. do you do this? if yes, its time for you to wake up your idea. =)

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