Tuesday, November 20, 2007

alright. i went to tm with ken and met up with ah mah later on. ate and met up with kw.

kenneth, everything will be alright bro! =))

my head was so heavy, weighing in at 5 kgs. luckily diabetic panadol saved the day again! =) my sis bought me DONUTS today. sweet right. =) went to eat donuts with kenneth, after that kenneth went home. i went to eat with sis. that maggie goreng was madness, 1 fucking strand will kill me with bad throat. we went walking alll around the area talking shit and laming. lol, end up at central park. where kw joined up. sis were tired so i pei her home. stupid cat, come and act 1 staggered formation hor. haha. THANK sis for that donut. love it, especially the cheese one. =)


the 5 kg head.

thank you so much. =)
please be happy.

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