Saturday, October 13, 2007

well, i have learn to control my stress. i have learn how to play a guitar. thanks to my buddy TOM LENG JIAN XIANG. well, kinda fell in love with it, as songs make me think of our happy times.

it's 8 months today. 8 months back was heaven, present is hell. i miss her, i swear she is in my mind every minute, the moment i shut my mouth, she jumps into my mind. i think so much that i even dream of her. it took you less than 2 months to let go of everything. it hurts, but i know its my fault. sorry.

im left with the guitar to accompany me the whole day. i think your actions have shown me clearly of what you really want. i know, 你没有舍不得. i have to look back at what we were last time, hope you find someone good and love him. that way, at least i can be cruel to myself and force myself to leave. how you want me to picture it, i don't want to break up at all. why do i still have to force a smile to bypass. i don't have the talent to do it. you are already a distance away from me, guess i will slowly walk away too. why do i even give in when it comes to seperating. i really really dont have that kinda talent. i will learn how to give you up, and that is only because i really love you.

DEAR FRIENDS, don't you people know how i feel? don't blame me if i becomes heartless, my boiling point has reach its point of no return. FUCK YOU all.

the bad ones do it, the good ones says "chill"

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