Monday, October 08, 2007

all the first time,
first kiss,
first time we put our hands together,
first time we meet,
first caramel,
first hug,
first time we slept together,
first time we spent 24 hrs together,
first time we rollerblade together,
first time you watched me play ball,
first time we said i love you,
first time we start to miss each other,
first time we worry for each other,
first time i brought you to a doctor,
first time i cooked for you,
first time you fed me,
first time we bought a present,
first time i bought a ring for you,
first time i bought flowers for you,
first time we....
first time we.....
first time we......
first time we.........

the first and also the very last..

i summon all courage to not text you today. i will too, tomorrow, the day after.. i know you feel better this way. i admit im disturbing.


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